Portable display systems
Deutsche Slovenská verzia English version

Technical data:
Weight* (kg)5.1
Visible size HxW207.5 x 207.5 cm
Cover dimensions WxHxT80.0 x 30.0 x 30.0 cm
MaterialStructure-duralumin, dry zipper
CoverBlue nylon bag
* - weight consists of structure without graphic panel, with bag, dry zipper
Product parts:
450033 Velcro-flausch, width 4cm for Tex Compact 3x3 1
451033 TEX COMPACT - folding struct. flat, 3x3 quads 1
459902 Niva Universalbag for frames max. 4x4 or 6 boards 1
TexCompact 3x3
Dimensions of structure:
Graphic dimensions:

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