Portable display systems
Deutsche Slovenská verzia English version

NIVA BannerStand

Technical data:
Weight* (kg)3.83
Visible size HxW204.0 x 84.5 cm
Cover dimensions HxT87.0 x 11.0 cm
MaterialAluminium with anodized coating
CoverBlue nylon bag
* - weight consists of structure without graphic panel, with bag
Product parts:
544185 Banner 85 with bag complete high 210 cm 1

Graphic preparation:

+ 10 mm surounding margin.

Type of lamination: Hot lamination:
- TOP-Seal jet guard deep crystal 0,150mm
- BOTTOM-Thermashild matt.0,075mm

Digital print: Paper 150gr

BannerStand 85 - hight 210 cm
Dimensions of structure:
Graphic dimensions:

Print page
Niva Expo Ltd.
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tel.: +421 908 791596, fax: +421 45 5382229
e-mail: nivaexpo@nivaexpo.net

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